All Appointments Phone:

07 3831 9777

Brisbane Hip Clinic
141 Warry Street
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006

Surgery of the HipJoint

Dr Steven Cook - Anaesthetist



Wesley Anaesthesia & Pain Management



Dr Cook  graduated from University of Queensland medical school in 1997 and spent 4 years in the Royal Australian Air Force full time before completing his anaesthesia specialty training in Sydney and Brisbane. He has specialised in complex orthopaedics and regional anaesthesia.


Dr Cook is a VMO at the Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital and is an associate of the Wesley Anaesthesia group in Brisbane. He continues to work with the Australian Defence Force in a reserve capacity.



Undergraduate Qualifications (MBBS)

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Queensland 1997.


Postgraduate Anaesthetic Training (FANZCA)

Nepean Hospital, Penrith Sydney and Royal Brisbane and Womens' Hospital, Brisbane.


Current Appointments

Visiting Medical Officer,  Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.
Specialist Anaesthetist Wesley Anaesthesia and Pain Management.
Royal Australian Air Force Specialist Reserve.


Special Interests

Anaesthesia for orthopaedics, ophthalmology and paediatrics

Military Medicine - Dr Cook has served in East Timor and Iraq and was awarded a Conspicuous Service Cross for his role in the Bali bombings evacuation in 2002. He is currently a Squadron Leader in the Royal Australian Air Force Reserves.

Aid Work - Dr Cook regularly participates in medical aid activities within Australia to indigenous communities and also internationally with particular focus on the Asia Pacific region.

Sports Medicine - Medical team for Queensland Reds and Australian Wallabies rugby union.


Patient Information and Education

Introduction to anaesthesia - Dr Steven Cook Link

Spinal anaesthesia - Dr Steven Cook Link

Brisbane Hip Clinic Education Library Link



Weinrauch P., Cook A., Cook S. (2015) Isolated thumb interphalangeal flexor weakness after total hip arthroplasty. International Journal of Advanced Joint Reconstruction. 2015; 2(1): 19-22. Link

Cook A., Cook S., Smith I., Weinrauch P. (2014) Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty and Perioperative Blood Testing. Advances in Orthopedics. 2014: Article ID 109378. Link


Contact Details


Address     Wesley Medical Centre. 40 Chasely Street. Auchenflower Q 4066
Ph             (07) 3377 0530
Accounts   (07) 3377 0530
Fax            (07) 3870 3139



Please note


Dr Cook administers her practice through Wesley Anaesthetics and Pain Management (WAPM). All administrative enquiries for Dr Cookcan be made by contacting WAPM. Contact details are listed above.


This information has been written by A/Prof Patrick Weinrauch and Dr Steven Cook for the purposes of patient education. The details provided are of general nature only and do not substitute for professional recommendations based an individual clinical assessment. © A/Prof Patrick Weinrauch. Brisbane Hip Clinic.