Clinic Appointments
Practice location
Brisbane Hip Clinic
141 Warry Street
Fortitude Valley Qld 4006
General information
Parking information

Telemedicine consultation service
Clinic checklist - please remember
1. Referral letter (unless forwarded directly from your referring practitioner).
2. Medicare or Veterans Affairs card.
3. Insurance information.
4. All previous X-Rays/ CTs/ MRI scans for every appointment. We prefer printed "hard copy" films for your clinic evaluation and recommend you obtain printed copies or a CD of your imaging from your radiology provider. Radiology reports are not satisfactory to make accurate management recommendations - in order to serve you best, we require access to the original images. Failure to attend with relevant imaging may delay your management. If you are unsure, please speak to our clinic staff in advance.
5. Copies of operation records & medical notes if you have had previous treatment elsewhere. In particular this relates to previous surgical procedure records.
6. Appropriate attire for your physical examination.
Non attendance policy
For the convenience of other people waiting for care, please advise us if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment.
Failure to attend your appointment without prior notification (within 24 hours of scheduled appointment) may result in a non attendance fee being issued. Please note non-attendance fees do not attract Medicare or private health fund rebates. Non attendance fees will be applied as follows:
Physiotherapy, Pilates, Exercise Physiology and Dietician services: 100% of anticipated service fee.
Medical services: 50% of anticpated service fee.
Recurrent non attendance may result in denial of future services at Brisbane Hip Clinic.
Radiology return policy
Particularly for telemedicine consultation services, where digital online imaging from your provider is not available, we accept posted images in either printed or CD format for your consultation. Upon recieving the images, we will arrage for them to be securely uploded onto the iMed digital platform (through St Andrews Medical Imaging) for future access and long term storage. Please note we will NOT hold imaging within our facility and we will NOT return post imaging provided to our facility.
Pharmaceuticals policy
Please note this facility does not hold any prescription pharmaceuticals, analgesics or drugs of dependence on site.
Acceptable behaviour policy
Brisbane Hip Clinic is committed to providing a consutructive and respectful environment for both our patients and staff. Verbal or physical abuse of any sort will not be tolerated. Unacceptable behaviour may result in denial of ongoing management within Brisbane Hip Clinic or referral to the police.
This information has been written for the purposes of patient education. © A/Prof Patrick Weinrauch. Brisbane Hip Clinic.