Nursing Assistants
Peri-operative Nursing Surgical Assistants (PNSA) are theatre specialised nursing staff who have undertaken higher training to assist surgeons in operative procedures and to deliver enhanced nursing care around the time of your operation. PNSA assistants provide a valuable and broad skill set to supplement the care that we provide to our patients.
PNSA roles within the Brisbane Hip Clinic typically include assisting A/Prof Weinrauch during operative procedures, immediate peri-operative care at St Andrew's War Memorial Hospital and assisting with ongoing care and advice after hospital discharge. PNSA Assistants also conduct research, quality assurance activities and care plan development.
More information about PNSA practitioners can be obtained on the Australian Association of Nurse Surgical Assistants website (link).
PNSA practitioners provide care services equivalent to, and frequntly beyond, those provided by a Medical Assistants working within the same role. Despite this, the Federal Government provides no Medicare rebates to patients for services provided by PNSA practitioners. It is however the policy of the Brisbane Hip Clinic that for all surgical procedures, the out of pocket expense for PNSA services will not exceed that of an equivalent Medical Assistant. Many of the services conducted by PNSA practitioners are provided by the Brisbane Hip Clinic free of charge.
If you require assistance from one of our Nursing Staff, please contact us as below:
Phone: 07 3831 9777 (main reception)